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Company-Level Environmental Data Sources (e.g. emissions, water usage)

There are many sources you can use to get data on a company or sector's stated goals/targets/polices and their impact (emissions, water usage, etc). This data is often considered part of the "environmental" pillar of ESG scores and metrics.

For a Few Companies

  • LSEG Workspace – see LSEG Workspace access help
    LSEG Workspace's ESG module will provide a variety of environmental-related metrics for thousands of (mostly public) companies worldwide.
    1. In the top search box, search for and select a company.
    2. In the horizontal navigation menu, select the ESG tab.
    3. In the left column, under Pillar, make sure that Environment is selected from the drop-down menu.
    4. Browse the list of data points that are displaying, as there are many to do with emissions (e.g. "CO2 Equivalent Emissions Direct, Scope 1" and "Upstream scope 3 emissions Business Travel" and "Carbon Offsets/Credits").
    5. For a chart of a company's recent emissions data, above the data points change the ESG Statement drop-down to Sustainability Dashboard.

For a Large Dataset

Ask Us if you have any questions about these sources or what would work best for your project.

  • Trucost Environmental Data and Climate Analytics - see WRDS access help
    Available in WRDS, this dataset from S&P Global provides data for thousands of public companies worldwide, with some data going back to ~2005. Data is generated through a combination of data modelling, publicly disclosed data, third-party sources like CDP data, and direct responses from companies. See more methodology information (in WRDS).
    1. In the WRDS platform, under Subscriptions go to Compustat - Capital IQ.
    2. Scroll down to Trucost and S&P Global ESG Scores and select Trucost Environmental.
  • CDP Corporate Climate Data
    CDP (Corporate Disclosure Project) surveys thousands of companies each year to learn about their climate/environmental-related policies, risks, and impact. Data covers 2010-2020.
    • The page contains available metadata, methodology documents, and the data files.
    • View the ReadMe file, sign the Data Use Agreement, and then download the data.
  • LSEG Workspace – see LSEG Workspace access help
    Refinitiv ESG data in LSEG Workspace will provide a variety of environmental-related metrics for thousands of (mostly public) companies worldwide, with some data going back to 2002. Their methodology primarily involves collecting information from publicly available sources, such as press releases and reports companies release.
  • Bloomberg Terminal – see Bloomberg Terminal access help
    The Bloomberg Terminals contains fewer environmental data metrics as the other sources listed, primarily focusing on emissions data. Data covers thousands of companies (primarily public) worldwide, with some data going back to ~2012. Data is generated through a combination of data modelling, publicly disclosed data, third-party sources like CDP.
    • Because the Terminals are only accessible on certain computers onsite and have download restrictions, we recommend only using it only if the data you are looking for isn't available in the other sources.

Information About Environmental Data Reporting

The following are some recommendations for learning more about environmental data reporting.

Answered By: Alice Kalinowski
Sep 26, 2023

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