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Analyst Reports & Equity Research
Use LSEG Workspace
This is our best source for analyst reports/equity research (e.g. reports from Wall Street banks like Morgan Stanley).
LSEG Workspace replaced Eikon, Thomson ONE, and Refinitiv Workspace. It has a premium package of analyst reports called After Market Research (formerly known as Investext).
- Each user can view/download 150 billable pages of research reports per day.
- If our usage cap is reached access could be jeopardized. Please only use what you need.
- Faculty: We have a limited number of expanded licenses; Ask Us for information.
Find Analyst Reports
- LSEG Workspace – see LSEG Workspace access help
- Do one of the following:
- If you need reports about a single company:
- Enter the company's name in the top left search box and select the company from the drop-down list.
- After their page loads, in the horizontal menu below the company's name, hover over News & Research and select Company Research (NEW).
- If you want to search for multiple companies at once or search for reports about an industry or product or technology:
- In the top horizontal navigation menu, select Research > Advanced Research. If you don't see that option, in the main search box search for and select the Research Advanced Search (ADVRES) app.
- If you need reports about a single company:
Search Tips
- Refine your search by entering a date range and using the other options.
- To expand your search by adding synonyms, in the Search by Keywords box enter ~keyword and then press Tab (e.g. entering ~energy will display a list of synonyms like renewables and electricity). If you search by keywords, after you run the search you'll see two new columns in the results: Relevancy and Snippets. If you click on the number of snippets it will show you a preview of where the word appears in the report.
- To edit your search after you've run it, use the pencil icon above the results.
- To only see reports from banks/brokers, click in the Exclude Contributors by type box and check the box next to Independent Research Providers and Other Research Providers.
- To see where your search terms show up in a report, click on a report title and you'll see a page-by-page breakdown of the report and which pages contain your keywords. Click on the keyword to see a snipped of where it appears on the page.
- To find "initiating coverage" reports (detailed reports created the first time an analyst starts covering that topic/company):
- In the Search by company or portfolio text field, enter a company name or ticker.
- Check the Primary company only box.
- In the Search by keywords text field, enter exactly: initiat* NOT initiative.
- Change the Document parameter to Title.
- In the Date Range dropdown, select All.
View and Download Reports
Each user can view/download 150 billable pages of research reports per day.
- In the results table, click on the title of the report.
- Check the box next to the pages you wish to view/download (which will count towards the 150/daily limit).
- While you will not be charged the Retail Value of the report, it does count towards Stanford's usage cap, so please only view/download what you need.
- In the upper right click View.
- A pop-up will ask you to confirm this action. Press Ok.
- Above the report in the upper right, click the download icon. (Note: as you've already viewed the report, you won't be charged again for downloading those same pages.)
Tips for working with the daily 150 page view/download limit:
- Pay attention to the notice (above the results and to the right) that tells you how many pages you have left that day.
- Be selective in terms of what reports you chose to view or download. See above suggestions or Ask Us for additional recommendations.
- Only view or download the specific pages you need, instead of the whole document. The last 3 or so pages tend to be disclaimers, which you may or may not want to read.
Other Options
You can also get reports and insights into companies in the following resources.
- ProQuest ONE Business (has J.P. Morgan Chase reports only)
- Option 1: Add this your keyword search: pb(jpmorgan)
- Option 2: Go to Advanced Search. On the left select either Company Reports or Industry Reports. In the Report Provided by box, select JPMorgan Chase & Company. Add other items to the search (keyword, company, date, etc.)
- D&B Hoovers
- Search for the company and load its profile.
- In the left column, check out the Company Description and SWOT sections.
- Marketline Reports (in Business Source Complete)
- Capital IQ – see Capital IQ access help
- Use the Research tab at the top.
- NOTE: This does NOT include premium equity research from Wall Street Banks. It will be limited to analysis done by S&P-affiliated contributors, like CFRA.
- Find books in SearchWorks, Stanford's libraries catalog.
- Search for business news & trade articles.
Links & Files
Answered By: Alice Kalinowski
Feb 08, 2024
Related Library Tips
Resource Use
Most resources are only available to current Stanford students, faculty, and staff.
Researchers are responsible for using these resources appropriately. See the eResources Usage policy.
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