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Find an Article or Paper Available through Stanford's Libraries

If you are trying to read a specific article (newspaper, magazine, or academic journal articlepaper) but are hitting a paywall, check if one of Stanford's libraries has it.

Stanford GSB Faculty, Faculty Assistants, and Research Assistants can submit a Document Delivery request, a service that provides free retrieval of articles, papers, and available books from sources on- and off-campus.

Method 1: Search Articles+

Enter the title of the article in Articles+, which is a version of SearchWorks that searches journal, magazine, and news sources at Stanford.

If you can't find the article, try searching for the first sentence of the article, as sometimes article titles can change. Not all articles will be findable this way, so try another method if you can't find what you're looking for.

Method 2: Lean Library Browser Extension

The Lean Library browser extension will automatically provide you access to much of (but not all) content licensed by Stanford's libraries, regardless of how you get to the content.

  • Download the extension and follow the prompts to add it to your browser. Under Select your library choose Stanford University and click Save.
  • With the extension, your browser will automatically connect you to library-licensed resources. You will be prompted to authenticate with your SUNet ID when necessary. Watch the demo below.
  • Tip: Uninstall when you leave Stanford to avoid access issues.

Method 3: Google Scholar with Get it@Stanford Integration

Note: This will only work for academic/scholarly journal articles. If you're looking for newspaper or magazine articles scroll down to Method 3.

For this to work, you must either be on Stanford's network, use the Lean Library extension, use the Google Scholar link on the library's website, or add Stanford Libraries to your Google Scholar settings.
  1. Go to Google Scholar or install the Google Scholar browser extension (Firefox, Chrome). If you use the browser extension you must add Stanford Libraries to your Google Scholar settings.
  2. Search for the article.
    1. If using Google Scholar, copy and paste the article's title and press search.
    2. If using the Google Scholar browser extension, double click the article's title to select it and then press the extension.

  3. Locate the correct article in the results and use the Find it@Stanford link to connect to a copy available in our collections.

  4. Under Online full text, select the access option that includes the date of the article you need.

  5. You will either be redirected directly to the article or to the journal, magazine, or newspaper's homepage where you can search or browse to find the specific article.

  6. If you need to link to the article, be sure to use a persistent link.

Method 4: Find eJournal
  1. Go to the eJournal collection search page.
  2. Enter the name of the journal, magazine, or newspaper (this is not the article title, but the title of the publication it was published in).

  3. Under the Online full text section, select the access option that includes the date of the article you need.

  4. You will be redirected to the journal, magazine, or newspaper's homepage where you can search or browse to find the specific article.

  5. If you need to link to the article, be sure to use a persistent link.

Method 5: Ask Us

If you can't find the article using the above methods, contact us for assistance.

Answered By: Alice Kalinowski
Jan 09, 2025

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